Saturday, December 31, 2022

New Year's Eve Updates

Here's our 2022 predictions column for Inforos/Brics. We put up a brick, didn't we?

New Year's Eve happens to fall on a Saturday. So we'll start with the Saturday updates. 

Just a great week of researching World War 1990: Norway. The plot is taking shape. The Soviets are going to violate Swedish neutrality. The Swedes are going to go all Viking on them. Who wants to read about some Viggen drivers? We'll spend January researching, outlining, etc, and be raring to go by 1 February. 

We've been going over what we said about Norway in previous WW1990 novels. We are partially constrained by what we've written before, but are willing to bend, but not break, continuity for plot's sake. For example, in Three Seas we wrote RNoN Ula sailed for Faslane when Norway collapsed after the first week of the war. 'After' could mean 7 days. It could mean 10. We've come a long, long way, since Arctic Storm. 

There's no movement on The New American Order. About all we have left to do is fill in the name for Alexander Haig's aid. The cracks aren't opening. We're not seeing new avenues. This is it. This is the novel. We'll do what we did with 76, print it out in Word and read a physical copy, and then give it to the editor. 

Speaking of, this is pretty cool:

That's two novels in the top 20 of the Amazon alternate history category. 

Yes, yes. On Monday we'll pick up World War 1990: The Final Storm once more and get back to work. Fuck all. 

Unless my math is wrong, [It is, knobhead-Ed] 2023 will be our 50th year. We have no resolutions. If we had resolutions, those resolutions would be the same as all the previous resolutions. So why bother? We will say that we accomplished some things in 2022 and look forward to accomplishing more things in 2023. Now, how to expand the readership...?

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