Monday, December 26, 2022

Post Christmas Report

Happy Boxing Day to all Home Island, Imperial, and Commonwealth readers. We are still at our father's house. Our sister and her family are expected this afternoon for the ceremonial exchange of gifts. Oldest Daughter asked if we were looking forward to our sister's arrival. 'Yes. Yes of course,' we replied. 'Lies!' accused Middle Daughter. 

Yes, we got Chinese last night. Now that the Jewish/Chinese Food Christmas tradition has become an internet meme, the restaurant was flooded with orders, and it took them an hour to prepare and deliver. Why is Chinese food on Christmas 'a thing'? I dunno, why is this night different than all other nights? The best anyone can come up with is that at the turn of the 20th century the chop suey houses were the only restaurants open for Jews looking for something to do. During her childhood in Dover, Delaware, Mrs. Stroock and her family would go to the movies and get Chinese.  

We're pleased to say that the Stroocklette's enjoyed A Christmas Story. We had a BB gun. We never shot our eye out, but when we were 15 we did shoot ourselves in the foot. Don't worry, Mom, it's not loaded OUCH! [Trying to impress a girl?-Ed] Yes, trying to impress a girl. That wasn't even the stupidest thing I did that night. [Not surprsied-Ed]. Anywho, our mother asked if we were okay and then beat the crap out of us. 

This morning we pointed out the links to our latest 19FortyFive piece to our editor. She replied that she saw and is looking forward to the next piece. As we have noted many times before, writers are desperate to publish pieces and editors are desperate for pieces to publish. We're still impressed Hot Air linked to us. It's nice seeing one's name in pixels there. Then there's FARK, where the hate flows freely. Also totally cool. Check this out:

Dude did an academic deep dive on us. I don't even know how to find our former employment status at Raritan Valley Community College. But this guy does. Which is...weird? We didn't list our credentials [Such as they are-Ed] because we used to have colleagues who would end their emails with their degree and employment status (PhD, Wellesley, Tenure Track). We would fall over laughing. We could sign off MA, AMU (online), Adjunct who only sent in his CV because he lived around the corner. We're not really sure what this guy is talking about vis a vis employment history order. But he used to work at 'the largest university in the US', so we'll concede without further question.

Sales of The Aftermath of 1976 are popping. Last night 76 was #13 in the Amazon Alternate History rankings and was 19 when we checked this morning. We are also seeing an increase in sales of The Great Nuclear War of 1975, #38 in its category as of this writing. Which means those readers will get to 76. Sales have not yet peaked, and we expect further gains. A late surge at the end of the month is nice. 

We've been thinking about World War 1990: Norway's structure and had an idea. The final battle, the big push that ends the book, the Death Star trench attack if you will, will be a Soviet victory up north in Finmark and a breakthrough to secure the bases the VDV troops have taken. This will satisfy our need to make this novel a touch different than the one's that came before. Norway will be our most Soviet centric novel ever. You will get to know Colonel Geneal Alexandre Lebed, comrades. 

Monday Metal. Oh, why not?


  1. When I was 8 I wanted a BB gun too but instead on Christmas of that year got my first shotgun instead

  2. That Fark place is absolutely brutal. They should bottle that hate it would thaw Buffalo.
