Tuesday, December 20, 2022

What Will Will Write?

'Tis the season, as they say. In the Stroock house that means Mrs. Stroock is baking a tonne. So's oldest daughter. As a result, we spend a lot of time washing and drying. The wife cooks and the husband does the dishes; everything is as it should be. 

Our latest piece at 19FortyFive (thanks to the readership for clicking over) has only generated three comments so far. Update-five! We admit to being a touch disappointed about that. A quick read of those first three comments reveals limited thinking by sub-90 IQs. There is room for back and forth on the virtues of chocolate vs vanilla, but nobody wins a comment flame war. So we won't be punching down. Next topic! They're gonna want me to write about Trump again, aren't they? Update! Yes they want me to write about Trump again! Will Will write about Trump again? See next para.

Will Writes: Beginning in 2007 or so, when we were home with the baby, Decision Games wanted us to crank out articles about the then current conflagration. And so we did. Our first piece was about the US Army's 'transformation' for the 21st century. In truth, the topic bored us. But if one makes oneself useful to one's editor, one will get more work. From there we wrote about the New Iraqi Army, the Ethiopian invasion of Somalia (which was totally cool), The Afghan National Army, and Britian's new aircraft carriers. 

Holy makeral. Mark Steyn had two heart attacks, which he describes in audio. Steyn's own GB News quotes Steyn: "I had two heart attacks. Because I didn’t recognise the first one, as such, the second one was rather more severe....The experienced broadcaster spoke about the shocking ordeal, saying he “doesn’t look right”, looking back at images of himself presenting the Mark Steyn show during the first heart attack." Did we ever tell the readership how we were having chest pains one afternoon? Anyway, 95 percent blockage and a week away from a cardiac event.

The TNAO's British adventure chapter ended up writing itself yesterday. Which was nice. And then we saw the chapter we thought we must needs write had already been written. Which is also nice. Mostly we just showed British actions through the eyes of a third nation that is on scene and also has a vital interest in the piece of territory the British are reclaiming. Gee, wonder who they are? Anyway, this is just a short chapter. A simple interlude. Then on to the 1980 chapter. 

In researching Soviet airborne forces, the VDV, we've read a lot about Afghanistan, as there was always at least one VDV division with the Limited Contingent there. This got us to thinking [Oh no,-Ed]. Since we're reading about Afghansy, as the Ruskis call it, why not write World War 1990: Afghanistan this winter? [You are as indecisive as a teenage girl trying to figure out in which outfit Harry Styles looks the cutest-Ed]. No decisions have been made. [See?-Ed]

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