Monday, January 2, 2023

2023 a Morning with (Football) Glee and Musically

Our last day of Christmas/New Year's break. Don't ask us why the girls don't go back to school till tomorrow. We don't make the schedule. We had a good break, spent lots of time with the family, but not too much. One never wants to overdo it. Now begins the worst part of the year, at least in the Northeast. The weather is just cold, and drab. We're already men and bla.

We did back-to-back days at the gym this weekend and we feel great. For months now we've been on the same program of half a dozen machines over two days, treadmill, rope pull, Stairmaster, rowing machine, elliptical, bike. We see no need to make any changes. No weights. No hour long four-mile run. 

Yesterday, needing a win to clinch their first playoff spot since 2016, the New York Giants gave the Indianapolis Colts a 38-10 smackdown.  Daniel Jones threw for two touchdowns and ran for two more. That's the Giants' best win since Super Bowl 46, more than a decade ago. What can we say? The Giants looked competent and tough.  For the first time since 2011, the Giants took care of business. 

Mrs. Stroock's Penn State plays tonight. Wish us luck. 

The Times of Israel tells us that the Haredi will be 16 percent of the population by 2030. The poverty rate among this group is 44%. This is because most(?) men don't work but sit around all day studying Torah on the government's shekel. Haredi men are exempt from the draft.  When Stroock's Books says Israel has many social problems, the Haredi place in society would be one of the problems we're talking about. 

The Israeli's keep bombing targets in Syria, very often airports. It seems to this blog that the pace of Israeli operations has picked up. It also seems to this blog that the Israelis are building up to something. Here's another news tidbit, $500 million for Iron Dome. Are we worried about rockets raining down? As always, what are the unknown, unknowns? Were we the Iranians, we'd be sending tonnes of false flights (false flights, ha!) to Syria. Many Arabs are dying to fulfill Persian ambitions against the Jew. 

Things I'd like to say in earnest: Torpedoes....loose!

We're working on a piece for 19FortyFive and it's turning into a depressing recitation of statistics. Still, we like having all those irons in the fire, all these tasks to complete, even if they nag at us. Which is one of the reasons we keep this blog going. Funny that we didn't mention this blog in our end of the year professional roundup. Weird too. Huh.  

We can think of nothing else to add to The New American Order. We read the future history and can't help but feel something is missing. But what? Ideas welcome. What do you want to know about down to the year 2000. Who, what, etc? We'll be working on the future history all this week. This is really the last thing. Unless we want to ad some vignettes.  After that, we'll read the physical printout. Looking over things today we see where details can be added. What does Rumsfeld do when he returns to Illinois? Where does Rockefeller go after leaving Casper? That sort of thing.

2003 to 2023 and me musically. Ahhhh...2003. When I knew the good old days would be the good old days. In January of 2003 we're just starting to get back into rock & roll after a long sojourn with Classical and Big Band. In March we'll realize that in 29 years we've never made a Led Zeppelin mixed tape. This will kick off a Led Zeppelin obsession, which permeates A Line through the Desert, and a new appreciation of the band as a grown man with an ear honed by years of listening to classical. A year later we'll decide, fuck it, I'm buying a guitar. Results as follows. I do rock. I really do. 

Monday Metal/Commercial break vertical integration. Aerosmith for The Gap. 1999, man:

1 comment:

  1. Regarding the TNAO have you put any thoughts towards a young idealistic womanizing Arkansas Gov and his power hungry wife? How will they shake out into the late 80s-90s?
