Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Yes, but They're still the J-E-T-S Jets! Jets! Jets!

Congratulations, New York Jets fans. You think you're going 14-3 next season. But we've seen this movie before (2008, Brett Favre). You'll be 9-8 and might make the playoffs. 

We have done back-to-back days at the gym. We were feeling pretty meh about things last night and wondering if we needed to change our workout regimen. But this morning we rose feeling fit and svelte. 

Segue....to Black Pill Will: at the gym yesterday, we saw the headline 'debt ceiling fight'. We got all wrapped up in this back in 2011. The GOP 'won'. That victory led to more debt. It doesn't matter. We don't care. 

Black Pill Will the Sequel: We saw Joe announced. Also, who cares? So long as the Democrats control the means of counting, the election is predetermined in the most Calvinist way possible. 

If we may belabor our When PhD's Attack yesterday, these academics with their lone publications that have a couple dozen ratings. Move some merch before you bash a writer of our breadth and talent. 

This blog has no insights into Tucker Carlson leaving Fox News. We don't watch much TV news at all, and we prefer Tucker in speeches and extended interviews. Which are fascinating. Details will be leaked to state media, we are sure. Tucker will be just fine. We hope he's not getting into politics. 

Stroock's Books believes Fox now has an opportunity to recast itself as a more or less middle of the road, straight news outfit. America used to have those, NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw, for example. And we're not just saying that because our dad worked for them. If Fox is going to lose Tucker, they might as well jettison Hannity and Ingraham. To quote the great Don Surber, 'But Hannity phones it in and Laura Ingraham is as exciting as boiling water for tea.'

1993 and me: Ah...late spring, Dover Delaware. We are concluding our freshman year at Wesley College. We've passed most of our classes and have done some interesting things. We starred in the drama club's production of Jean Paul Sartre's No Exit. We are the sports editor of the Wesley College Whetstone. A good year. Every evening after dinner we'd hop in our 86 Toyota Celica and head out to the Sunoco on Rt-13 to pick up a pack of Marlboro Lights. In less than a year we're going to meet a girl. 

Well look at that, it's ANZAC Day. Naturally this makes us think of World War 1990: ANZACS. This was originally a Pacific centered novel, in which the ANZACs participated. But the more we thought about it, the more we liked a standalone ANZAC novel. This was the first of many breaks with the general WW1990 narrative. Think of the marketing. Which was successful. We've now a toehold in Australia, and we guess New Zealand. Putting together the OOB was a lot of fun. 

That said, we made a lot of mistakes in ANZACs, including a doozy about Prime Minister Bob Hawke. We began ANZACS with a vague notion that the ANZACs would drive on Hanoi, but realized halfway through they didn't have the capability. Still we had a good idea and think the novel is interesting. To our knowledge, no one else has had the ANZACs in World War Three. 

Alright, we wrote the next scene in World War 1990: The Final Storm. Now let's write the scene that comes after. One step at a time, lads. 

We have spent a lot of time thinking about War Night: and Other Stories of the Great Nuclear War of 1975. We've had no flash or spark. When we get nada, we usually think it's time to move on. But 6 weeks ago, we were sure there were stories to tell. So where are they? 

Here's one. Normalcy. A mid-sized town, maybe 15,000 people. Far away from the blasts. For them, things are shockingly normal. We've been fascinated by the idea for a long time. Lights are on. Water works. Kids in school. Mainstreet open. Note, things aren't perfect. There are many, many issues. Maybe it's like Pandemic 2020 life. But who's the POV?

In other news our design people totally botched the new cover of World War 1990: Polish Storm. What part of 'Make it look like Arctic Storm but in red and blue and with the Polish flag top left' is unclear? 

Also, we have them reformatting Pershing in Command. We formatted PiC ourselves back in the day. Interestingly, we looked at one of the original copies. There's a typo in the acknowledgments that bugged us. But when we examined the uploaded file the typo wasn't there. We must have gone back and fixed it at some point....huh. Exit question, should we have our people do a new cover?

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