Tuesday, May 9, 2023

The Jews and the Kennedys are at it Again

Welcome to Operation Shield and Arrow: 'Explosions ripped through Gaza early Tuesday morning as the Israeli Air Force assassinated three senior members of the Islamic Jihad terror group, days after a short-lived but fiery flareup of violence set the restive region on edge.' Shield and arrow harkens back to the Old Testament but is not in fact and Old Testament name. When the Jews pluck a name from the Book, one is truly effed. They haven't done that here, though. Anyway, looks like Operation Shield and Arrow could get pretty big.

TFS notes: The three scenes in the prologue aren't necessary. These show the White House hotline comms guys, a meeting of NATO leaders, and Gorby, Shevardnadze and Yeltsin. The Georgian set-up chapter is fine. Hmmm...maybe just grab the final scene from World War 1990: Battle of the Three Seas and put it in TFS? These Georgian names are really screwing with spellcheck and are quite an eyesore. You know what, we don't think we need this. Developing...

Hmmm again...what if we started doing brief book reviews on Goodreads? We're reading a tonne right now anyway. Update, two done. Check us out on Goodreads. 

They say Hunter Biden is about to be indicted. Yeah sure. Even if the Feds go through with it, the indictment will be minimal. But what if? What if Hunter turned on his dad? It's unlikely, sure. But the man did bang his dead brother's wife. Hunter's that kind of guy. So we can't 100 percent discount the possibility that Hunter will sell out Joe to save his skin. Hunter Biden didn't kill himself. 

Mark Steyn interviews RFK Junior. Stroock's Books once again cautions reader(s) against embracing RFK Jr. We'll say this. We agree with much of what he says. The man's father and uncle were liberals (the uncle less so) but liberals who liked America. Rush used to talk about this a lot. JFK's message was, 'We can do even better.' We assume the establishment will crush RFK Jr. 

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