Thursday, May 4, 2023

Will Covers New Ideas

It's May the Fourth, Star Wars Day. This is stupid. Stroock's Books recognizes the first three movies and that's it. Screw everything else. This is the way? This is the way up Kathleen Kennedy's butt.

Okay...okay....We could definitely work on two novels at once and relegate TFS to the weekends. There ain't much left to do there anyway. Right? Right?

While writing the first War Night story we spent all day thinking of The Confederate: What if the South Won the Civil War? The year is....1911, fifty years of independence. We don't need to do the famous guy schtick again. We think we'd be following around a mid-level officer from a prominent family. 

Maybe he's visiting the front. We know how the War of Texas Independence is going for the CSA, not well. They took Houston in a combined land/sea operation but are bogged down on the Waco front. 

To that end we've taken an important first step. We opened a word document, named it Confederate, and hit save. 

Anyway...New World War 1990: Polish Storm cover:

We like that a lot and intent to get new covers for Nederland, Three Seas, and The Weser. It's good to go for kindle, but when we tried to do the paperback version KDP told us there were problems with the original manuscript. So we have our people formatting the original MS now too. On we go. 

Related....we saw some marketing data in which people said a book cover is very important. True, but our best book cover is one of our worst selling books (A Line Through the Desert) and people bought Polish Storm with the slapdash cover we put together. So I dunno. 

Also related...Our interview on Footsteps of the Fallen Podcast hasn't sold one copy of Pershing in Command, so far. 

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