Thursday, June 1, 2023

The First Post for the 1st of June

Actually, this will be the only post for the 1st of June, but whatevs, as the kids say. 

Rainbow month is going to be insufferable, isn't it? Sorry pal, your sex life just isn't that interesting. That said, we like that up in Great Barrington, the crosswalks are painted rainbow. Youngest Daughter loves rainbows. And looking at rainbows is better than looking at black asphalt. 

We had excellent back-to-back days at the gym. Lately we've been going further, quicker on the exercise bike. No idea why. 

We should really get off Twitter. 

We changed our profile pic on Goodreads and reviewed another Civil War book, Joseph Wheelan's Bloody Spring. An excellent read. We're working on his Their Last Full measure right now. 

Well look at this, a royal wedding in Jordan: 'AMMAN, Jordan (AP) — Jordan’s highly anticipated royal wedding day got underway on Thursday with the surprise announcement that Britain’s Prince William and his wife Kate had arrived to witness the nuptials of Crown Prince Hussein and his Saudi Arabian bride.' The crown prince looks like his father [Oh my, King Hussain is yummy-Ed] Calm down there, Mrs. Robinson. [Prince Hussein is 28 years old!-Ed] We should have titled this post 'Wine Mom's in Heat'. The bride is westernized, of course. She seems pretty enough, in the Princess Kate manner. We'll go 7, but that's a hard cap, right? Not sure why. 

We have read through World War 1990: The Final Storm's pilot arrival and briefing chapter. This chapter shows aircraft from various nations arriving at various bases followed by pilot mission briefings. You know, scenes with pilots sitting around the ready room while a CAG or SQUINTO tells them about the target, 'But the attack will not be easy....'* Yada, yada. We think the planning and briefing chapters are as together as they will be. We think. 

We are moving on to the redesign of the World War 1990: The Weser cover. This time we'll use the silhouette of an M-60 tank. We're open to ideas on the colour scheme. 

What Will's Watching: Following our successful viewing of Airport we decided to try Airport 75. Oh my we couldn't stop laughing. Devotees like to say Airplane was based on Zero Hour (1957) but man did the Zucker brothers ever get their tropes from Airport 75.  There are nuns, a mother and son flying together, Linda Blair needing a kidney transplant, a guitar. Seriously, we could not stop laughing. 

May KU reads:

The blue line is The New American order. Yellow is The Great Nuclear War of 1975, red is The Aftermath of 1976. May was our 2nd best month this year and sales of TNAO probably haven't quite peeked. we expect June to equal May. With summer coming it's possible June will beat May, we'll see. 


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