Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Post 4th Reds and Blues

We had a pleasant enough July 4th. We put out our Union Civil War flag and then watched the fireworks from our driveway with all of our Chindian friends and neighbors and everyone else who parked on the street to get a good view of the blasts. The fireworks were blown up good. 

We also had decent enough back to back days at the gym, but a bit of disappointment on the scale yesterday. We're just not hitting the 245 pound mark (that's 17.5 stone to you people who were all sad yesterday). In fact, we've gained. As our clothes are looser and we're pinching less around the middle, that's muscle we've put on. [You keep telling yourself that-Ed]. It's just a number, but still. Damn it.

It's day-six of the Summer of Will, and things are getting weird. We find ourselves brooding a lot, and a kind of moroseness has settled in. We ponder what things will be like around here in ten years when the girls are gone.  If we wanted to, we could turn this post into a Thursday Downer. We've noticed we get this way during the summertime, most notoriously since 2017. Sup with that? Family returns Monday. 

So they found a stash of Hunter's coke at the White House. This is an op. In a day or two, Hunter will admit the coke is his and check into rehab, where he will remain for the foreseeable future. 'Leave Hunter alone!' The Dems and media will scream. 'Let that poor man heal and put his life back together!' Well played, Dems. Well played indeed. 

Zerohedge has a writeup of the Israeli operation in Jenin. Zerohedge calls this the biggest Israeli operation in Judea/Samaria since 2002. That was Operation Defensive Shield, which ended Arafat's* Second Intifada. We find the latest operation a bit depressing. There is no end to West Bank Person terror. Ever. Israel Radar reports, 'Israeli forces leaving Jenin as military op draws to an end; IDF snipers & drones hit several terrorists in gun battle this evening; 12 gunmen killed in two days, 300 terror suspects questioned, over 1,000 explosive devices seized.'

*Homosexual, died of AIDs.

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