Monday, July 31, 2023

Stop Worrying, We're Reading

July 31st, the first week of the rest of the summer. We've been looking forward to a relaxed August doing little more than writing, maybe taking the girls swimming, sitting out at night, summer stuff, etc etc. No excursions are planned till the last week, to LBI of course. 

Lat night our niece, who is named for our Mississippi born, Louisianna raised grandmother, texted us to let us know that there was a Star Wars marathon on TV. Just in time to catch The Empire Strikes Back 

We spent some time on Sunday looking into advertising markets. Years ago we very successfully established ourselves in the British market with some ads in British military history magazines. We gained a toehold in Germany doing the same in German magazines. Recalling this, we thought to ourselves, 'How about Brazil?' Or Brasil as the locals spell it. That's more than 200 million people. No brainer, right? We found a few Brazilian military history publications and thought again, 'Maybe'. Then we asked ourselves, 'How many people in Brazil speak English?' It turns out that the number of English speakers in Brazil is between five and ten percent of the population. So no. 

Middle Daughter loved Barbie. Oldest Daughter is going to take Youngest Daughter to see Barbie this week and Middle Daughter will probably go too. The horror. In Takimag, David Cole articulates a point we've been trying to make about Barbie, 'Last week was a weird one for cultural conservatism. Saucerhead Ben Shapiro condemned the Barbie blockbuster for having a “feminist” message, as if a movie about dolls shouldn’t appeal to girls.' 

Again, we are not the chair of the town council in some rural backwater, and we're not Tipper freakin' Gore.  And you know what? Despite watching The A-Team at an impressionable age, we've never been wanted by the government and had to survive in the Los Angeles underground as a soldier of fortune. Kids watch plenty of dumb shit and turn out perfectly fine. 

Barbie is a huge success. Of course it is. They have a massive brand with a huge global audience and star power. Good for them. But bad for the rest of us because said success guarantees a rash of bad toy movies. Polly Pocket? Cabbage Patch Kids? We shudder. 

Because the Israeli center and left are petty and vindicative, they will not consider a coalition government with Netanyahu and Likud“Not while Netanyahu is there,” Lapid told the Ynet news site after being asked about the possibility, mooted in recent days both in order to help eject the far-right from the coalition and to support a potential normalization deal with Saudi Arabia. “That is because I am a decent man, and that would be the death of decency,” he said.' Did we also say these people were stupid? Because these people are stupid. Joining a coalition with Bibi offers the chance to moderate the Judicial Overhaul and push the Haredi parties aside. But no. Hating Bibi is more important. Like Republicans in the US, the Israeli Blue and White deserve their fate. 

While the Blue and White and their leftist allies have a collective aneurism over the Judicial Overhaul, war with Hezbollah becomes more likely. Israel Radar reports. The catalyst is a Hezbollah tent on the Israeli side of the border. Stupider things have started wars. If war does start, Ariel Sharon would know what to do. Bibi, we implore you, when faced with a difficult decision think, 'WWSD?' Remember Sharon may have been an Israeli, but he was born a Russian. Reader(s) of this blog know how Russians view problems. 'Why you hesitate to destroy Hezbollah headquarters? Is beneath school? So?'

After our post yesterday a few concerned readers reached out asking, more or less, 'What do you mean you may not work on World War 1990: The Final Storm this month?' or, 'Say you're not reading The Final Storm this month again, Motherfucker. I dare you.' Wouldn't dream of it. July was the month. This is the week. This is the week we start the read through of a hard copy of World War 1990: The Final Storm. At 8 AM we made ourself put everything down and got started...the intro of four scenes seem fine. We made tweaks of course. That's why we read a hard copy. 

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