Sunday, September 17, 2023

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 9/17/23

 !@#$%! feet. Actually the gout has settled around both big toes and seems to be improving this morning. We had a fun day yesterday, though, that's for sure. A fun day. In case reader(s) couldn't tell we were being sarcastic. Gout seems to appear out of nowhere, without rhyme or reason. It appears with malice. We haven't had red meat in....a month? It's hard for a 240 lbs man to stay hydrated, we've learned that. But we are at a loss at to why we got this attack. Gym time? We added a stretching routine to promote joint health. Now this. We are at our wits end. [You have w...?-Ed] don't you dare.  This makes for a wonderful mood. You know at the end of Unforgiven, when Clint Eastwood walks out of the bar? That's our mood. 

Being cooped up, yesterday we read through about half of the Marine counterattack chapter in World War 1990: Norway and made it much better. We'll make the other half much better today. 

We also watched some football and baseball, and Mrs. Stroock is pleased with her Nittany Lions. Also her Eagles last Thursday. It's been a good sports weekend in casa de Stroock. 

We've watched a couple of interesting movies in the last few days, and we'll be writing pithy reviews of them this week. 

With Joe's crime wave sweeping America, we're reminded of the crime wave that swept America in the 70's and 80's. There was a certain nihilism to the crime we saw in NYC in the 80's. To us it seemed the crimes were committed for the sake of committing crime. It's hard to explain to someone who wasn't there. That nihilism has returned. Powerline notes the latest outrage in Las Vegas where two black teens stole a car, used it to ram other cars for fun, and then murdered a white man riding his bike, for fun. 

We hear a lot of talk about the Dem's Joe conundrum. Joe's a senile and pathetic man falling apart in real time. The Dems have to remove Joe, but they have to keep him as well. If Joe steps aside the party will divide into pro- Kamala and anti-Kamala factions. There will be infighting and the Democrat Party will....we hit the sitcom laugh track button. The Dems will do what they got to do, despite norms, precedent and appearances. The Dems will tell the Dem faithful the narrative, and the Dem faithful will accept that narrative. And then the Dems will win. 

Will's Good Idea for the week of 9/17/23. Thinking about the Red Dawn Thingy, we are intrigued by the idea of President Carter. We're open to suggestions for alternatives. The president will not, repeat, will not, be Ronald Reagan. 

1 comment:

  1. I don't think the country would rally around someone like Carter I don't think with a chance of war he would be nominated plus their is another series out about WW3 with him as president I think the one people would rally to would be Sam Nunn of Gerioga
