Friday, October 6, 2023

Friday Updates

Ah, Friday. Traditionally our least productive day of the week. Also the end of a week of unseasonably warm weather. It's called Indian Summer, relax bark eaters. 

Living in Chindia, parents always know who we're picking up at birthday parties. 'Ah you must be REDACTED'S father.' We reply, 'Yes, yes I am,' and nod politely to the grandparents in the corner who don't speak English. 'Namaste?' 

Yom Kippur War Week ends with the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War. Egyptians think they won this war, which is both hilarious and sad. We've tried explaining to these people that the war began on the east bank of Suez and ended on the west bank of Suez with Ariel Sharon pissing in the canal and booking rooms in the Cairo Pyramid Hilton for his anticipated arrival. 'Where can we park our tanks?' But it's no use. When the Arab makes up his mind about something.... Oh, Shabot shalom.

Seriously, check out this Yom Kippur tweet from Quds News Network. The replies are hilarious. 'Why are Arabs like this?' one asks. 

By now reader(s) have heard about Antifa activist Ryan Carson's horrific murder in New York after he tried to stop a crazy man's crazy machinations. 'Bro...bro...chill...' Carson was heard to say. Carson was 32 and lived in the trendy part of Brooklyn. We remember when Brooklyn was decidedly un-trendy. Some on the left mourn the loss of the Olde New York. Son of Sam's New York, the Bronx is burning New York. 

During the summer of 1994 we took a nice girl to Yankee Stadium in the infamous south Bronx and told her, 'Take all your jewelry off, pay attention and don't look at anybody.' The nostalgists are/were fools with luxury beliefs about crime and safe streets enabled by the zero tolerance crime policies of Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg. The late Mr. Carson had no street smarts and now he is dead. Blame de Blasio and Adams. Today when that nice girl we took to Yankee Stadium goes to Manhattan she doesn't ride the subway. Too dangerous 

Why does Vladimir Putin have better anti-Nazi credentials than Justin Trudeau?

The things.

We had an excellent week of editing, reading and writing.

Okay, we read through World War 1990: The Final Storm. It's better than the last read through. 

We have completed the rough draft of the Swedish intermission chapter in the World War 1990: Norway. We're on track to finish Norway's rough draft by 1 November with a clean copy by 1 December and editing by 1 January. 

We are thinking about the 2024 writing schedule. 

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