Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Yom Kippur War, Before Day Four...

...this being day three of Yom Kippur War Week.

What a dad-taxi day. Picked up Oldest Daughter from debate meeting at school, then drove Middle Daughter and friends to a volleyball game (and heard an awful lot about Harry and Taylor), then took Youngest Daughter to Hebrew school, and topped the day off by taking Middle Daughter to dance. Dad score: superior.

The Phillies defeated the Marlins 4-1 in the first game of the playoffs last night. Starter Zach Wheeler was dealing. Mrs. Stroock pleased.

Yesterday was German Unity Day, when East and West Germany became one nation again. Actually, under Chancellor Helmut Kohl West Germany annexed East Germany. We always opposed German unification. From Teutoburgerwald to Boris Becker, we all know what the Hun is capable of. Why take chances? 

What a crap show on Capitol Hill. We love it. This blog holds no truck with now former Speaker Kevin McCarthy. We never trusted McCarthy and believe that in his heart, he didn't want to investigate or impeach Joe. McCarthy was Paul Ryan's man. One of the trio of 'young guns' from the 2010 Tea Party era that promised big things and delivered little. The GOP base hates its leadership with good reason. We'll let the great Don Surber speak for us. Defenestrate. 

Still, Matt Gaetz is an ass. He and seven other GOPs united with the Democrats to oust McCarthy. Who's working with whom here? And what's the plan, Matt, other than to aggrandize thyself? Never trust a man with hair like Gaetz's. You know who else has that haircut? Gruesome Gavin Newsom, that's who. The next speaker should destroy Gaetz. 

A very interesting article on Golda Meir and the Yom Kippur War, 'Yet few accorded her the status of “founding mother” of Israel alongside her longtime colleague David Ben-Gurion or even her political rival, Menachem Begin. The reason for that was the tragedy of the Yom Kippur War for which so many Israelis blamed her.' Meir's blamed for the surprise attack and the desperate war that followed.' Meh, we've always been a Menachem Begin man, Israel's first Likud and first non-Labour (or Mapai) Prime Minister. The article notes Meir is usually ranked Israel's worst PM. No. That title goes to Ehud Barrak. Meir did win the war. Israelis can be weird. 

It was a grind, but we read through the SAS raid on REDACTED. It's fine. But this chapter has a lot of moving parts, and they don't all move together. Is that a tower or a gate? A general or a marshal? Wait, Marshal should only have one 'l'? Crap. Is that building the senate or the presidium? An exhausting but productive day. 

We even wrote a scene in World War 1990: Norway. We wrote in a chain-smoking character. Our Norwegian guy can't name a Swedish cigarette brand and says snuff is really popular with those people. Gross. Still, we may have to rewrite Colonel Stahl. Meanwhile, the Viggen v Fulcrum dogfight scene awaits. We still don't feel quite ready to write it as we're getting hung up on technical stuff. [This ain't 1986, and you're not writing a techno-thriller about NATO gadgets. No one cares if the flare button is on the right or left side of the cockpit. Get on with it-Ed]

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