Friday, November 17, 2023

Friday Updates

There's been a lot of talk about what happens to Gaza after the Israelis are done with it. There are no good options. Who's gonna run that crap hole? The EU, the UN? Are you serious? The international community would love to sink their teeth into Gaza and turn it into the next Afghanistan style grift. In truth, we'd argue that Gaza and Gazans deserve the like of the WEF, the Clinton Global Initiative, et al. 

One supposes the PA could be persuaded to take over Gaza. PA President Mahmoud Abbas is saying the PA would only do so as part of some kind of 'peace deal'. We're not buying it. Abbas would jump at the chance to rule Gaza as the head of a unified Gazan/West Bank Person entity. We thought it was hilarious when Hamas took over Gaza in a coup in 2006. And we thought it was a good thing. Hamas would take charge of Gaza and the 'international community' would condemn them, support Israel. Forgive us our mid-ought's naivety. 

We suppose the least-worst option for Gaza is Israeli governance. Maybe the Israelis should just roll out of Gaza, leaving a mess in their wake. 'You guys figure this out!' the Israelis could declare. 'You best make sure we're happy with what you do.'

The fight against Hamas in America continues. North Andover, Massachusetts is flying the 'Palestinian' flag. Their FB page and Twitter account have been overrun by critics. In tweets to North Andover and the North Andover police department we asked if North Andover is safe for Jews. No response yet. Silence is violence, as they say. 

The things. 

We have finished the rough draft of the War Night story about two young White House staffers. The story needs going through, bulking up, but the idea is down. 'Hey, why is Marine One lifting off?' - Bam!

We've been researching American missile silos, crews, etc etc. We'd prefer to research and take notes on missileers, and work on another short story.  Buzz and ju-ju being what they are, the silo story is probably next.  Overall, War Night is 7,000 words.

We are writing the Banak/Lakselv Norwegian Home Guard additions to World War 1990: Norway. Things are going fine. 66,000 words.  Well damn it all. Turns out one of those Norwegian mountain bastion forts overlooks Banak. This greatly complicates the Soviet assault on Banak and the Norwegian Home Guard plot there. Fear not. For we are among the best there is at what we do, and we shall find a way forward. 

We are halfway through reading the edited draft of World War 1990: The Final Storm. We've found typos, misprints, and one massive (though easily correctable) continuity error. JFC, that's why one reads one's edited MS. Pro tip, aspiring authors: always be the last person who reads your MS. Always. January is now a hard release date for World War 1990: The Final Storm. By the Many Faced God, and the Lords of Kobol too, we hate this process. 

Hmmm, now that we think about it, we still haven't seen TFS's cover proof. What's up with that?

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