Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The Tuesday After the Monday Metal

We hit the gym on Sunday, doing 15 minutes of stretching followed by the rower, the elliptical and the bike. Yesterday we walked 4 miles. This is part of a new aggressive walking program. Mrs. Stroock was not pleased that we crossed a highway. 'But it had crosswalks!' we pleaded. We also got a minor case of gout, which we caught early and zapped with a Colchicine and cherry juice. The foot this morning is a little sore but overall fine. 

We listened to Fever Dog during the walk. Dig this space age track and the riff at the refrain, man. We said dig it!

Our Iron Dome, Swords of Iron, and Am Israel Chai (roughly long live Israel) T-shirts arrived yesterday from the Judaica shop. Shipped from North Carolina. Thank you, good gentlemen and ladies of the South, long a home to the Jewish people, to which the Stroock (nee Marx/Eisman) can attest.

The Israelis have agreed to extend the ceasefire two more days. We think this is fine. Most rightwing pessimists think Hamas is playing some sort of game. Maybe. But what if, and hear us out, what if Hamas badly screwed up, knows it's totally effed as things stand, and is playing for time? What if? Sometimes the other side screws up too. Remember a month ago when pessimists were screaming, 'The ground invasion is taking too long to start!'

Over at Bari Weiss' Free Press an article about traditional publishers and the growing indy press. We agree with everything we read in there. Ignore the trad houses, because they ain't interested in you. Even if they are interested in you, they will put zero (0) effort into marketing you. It's all on you anyway, so you might as well just publish yourself. 

On our Substack (it's just posts here, but on Substack), a valued and loyal reader pleaded with us to continue work on War Night. Long time reader(s) of this blog know we're persuadable, mailable even. War Night is a good idea and we have plenty of good ideas. You're sitting down to watch M.A.S.H., Police Woman, or say Chico and the Man, when all of the sudden the Emergency Broadcast System comes on. Or maybe you're in your car making out with your girlfriend when a fireball reaches into the sky. Perhaps you're on a fishing trip, deep in the woods when you hear deep, distant rumblings. Okay, good ideas. We can set up any of them. But what happens next and where do the stories go? And why can't we figure that out?

Hmmm....two World War 1990 novels are coming out next year. Do we really need to work on Thatcher's War in January? Again, maybe. Or maybe we start something new in January and Thatcher's War is the summer sneak in. [Are you an indecisive wine mom? Because you sound like an indecisive wine mom. -Ed] You would know, wouldn't you, love? Anyway, would that something new be The Red Dawn Thingy?

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