Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Who you Callin' Mid?

Ah, Tuesday, when Dad's dance-taxi goes into full effect. We drop one daughter off at 7:30 and another at 8:00, pick the first one up at 8:15 and the second one up at 9:00. We spend two hours in the car. Thank god for podcasts. Also Fever Dog. We're paying penance for that though, or the Danegeld anyway, as the girls like to 'control the aux'* during car trips, whereby one plugs the aux, or auxiliary cable, into one's phone and plays one's desired music.

Last night Oldest Daughter treated us to Olivia Rodrigo. That bitch be crazy, yo. Young fellas, if you're thinking of approaching a young lady but hear her listening to Olivia Rodrigo, just walk away...just walk away. To put it in Gen-X terms, even Alanis Morissette is like, 'Wow, she's messed up. I gotta go apologize to Dave Coulier.'

In a tweet yesterday the Biden Regime said, 'Hamas unleashed a terrorist attack because they fear nothing more than Israelis and Palestinians living side by side in peace. To continue down the path of terror, violence, killing, and war is to give Hamas what they seek. We can’t do that.' This thinking is 20 years out of date and shows how little the Dems and the so called experts have grown or understand the situation in the Middle East. The White House is busy walking this back, by the way. 

The tweet is in response to Joe's awful poll numbers with young Dems and the growing split within the party. The energy and future of the Democrat Party lies with the Hamas wing and Joe is under tremendous pressure to twist Israel's arm for a permanent ceasefire. 

Stroock's Books did not mind the four-day ceasefire or the two-day extension, nor would we mind a further extension.  And as of this writing it looks like another four days are going to get tacked on to the ceasefire. Israel Radar and other analysts have pointed out that Hamas has had 15 years to prepare for war. A few days or weeks ain't gonna make much difference.  The appeasers in the West can call for a permanent ceasefire all they want. The Israelis are still gonna do what they wanna do. 

Why assume Hamas is controlling events when the war has gone so very badly for them? The longer Gaza is under siege and hundreds of thousands of Gazans are uprooted, the worse the situation gets for Hamas. Hamas is calling for a permanent ceasefire not Israel. Why assume that the Israelis aren't driving events? The war resumes when the Israelis resume it. 

To put it another way, perhaps the Israelis are manipulating Hamas. The imams are right, the Jew is clever. 

Have ee have gone too far?:

Impossible. Besides, we look great. 

Speaking of high-tech Israeli crap, for Giving Tuesday the Stroocks donated to the Technion. 

The Technion has played a significant role in Israel's technological and scientific advancements, fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. Many of its alumni have contributed significantly to the fields of technology, academia, business, and research globally.

Hot Air reports that Sports Illustrated is using AI to create stories and phony writers. WTF? That's a hell of a scandal. Want an example of AI generated content? The preceding paragraph describing the Technion was generated by Chat GPT. That paragraph is the first time we've ever used Chat GPT to generate text for Stroock's Books. We think we've used Gabby to generate a few images for this blog.  Yes, there they are in the archives. Anyway, there's the future of journalism, folks. Learn to code you J-school bastards. 

War're on a farm. The EBS goes off. You hunker down in the basement for the night. Sun rises and you head upstairs to see what's what. And then what? How about an F-106 Delta Dart (because we've written about the F-104 Starfighter so much in World War 1990) lands on the long flat expanse of road running past your farm and the pilot explains what just happened or at least his part in shooting down a Soviet bomber. Yes...yes this should work. 

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