Friday, December 1, 2023

Friday Updates

Today is Oldest Daughter's 17th birthday. We don't feel like time has flown by, as a lot of parents say, but still. [But still, what? - Ed] I dunno. We're looking back on the old toddler pics and damn it all, if we're not getting a bit emotional. 

We did a 5 activity cardio gym session Wednesday and a 4 mile walk yesterday. 

The war is back on. Good. Overall, the Israelis got 105 of their people back in exchange for 300 + Gazan and West Bank Person low level cons.  The war has entered its next stage. Negotiations will continue through several days of fighting. Right now the Israelis are calling on residents of Khan Younis in the south to evacuate. We suppose the battle will rage till the Israelis have done what they want in Khan Younis. Exit question, why did Hamas want the war to resume now?

The Times of Israel reports American secretary of state Anthony Blinken and the Israeli war cabinet had a contentious meeting yesterday. The Time's headline and sub header says,' Blinken said to warn war cabinet Israel may not have months to topple Hamas US diplomat says Israel must change way it is fighting, set up safe zones, avoid hospitals, UN facilities: ‘Massive loss of civilian life’ in north Gaza must not be repeated in south...' 

Blinken lectured the Israelis on the need to scale back operations, set up safe zones and corridors, etc, etc. The Israelis leaking the details to the press is their way of telling Blinken to get bent. How much Joe is willing to pressure the Israelis is anyone's guess. But the regime is under tremendous pressure itself from the Hamas wing of the Democrat Party. This was inevitable. The Democrat is no friend to the Jew.

Hot Air reports on the Newsome/DeSantis debate. Hot Air and other conservatives we respect (like Stephen L. Miller) think DeSantis wiped the floor with the failed governor of California. Okay good. But so what? In 2012 Mitt humiliated Barry Soetoro on the debate stage and it didn't make a difference. Gavin got his Desantis/Trump bashing talking points out and that all that matters to the Dem base. In the end this debate, or any debate, won't matter. So long as the Dems control the means of counting, they will win. 

The Things.

An odd, slow and not very productive week.

We've just about wrapped up the Norwegian Home Guard's attack on Banak. The epilogue remains. We're pleased overall, but still, something seems to be missing from World War 1990: Norway. We've no idea what. 

We've got our next short story for War Night. A lone Canadian rancher out on the Alberta prairie. Henri. Henry, as he prefers, as he loathes his Quebecois father, does a lot of lookin' around and seein' stuff, like ICBM contrails. Malmstorm is only a hundred miles away. We may also have the fodder for a story about an F-106 Delta Dart pilot. We'll let that idea percolate. As it's December 1st, our goal is to get two stories written this month. 

We have ordered the physical proof of World War 1990: The Final Storm. Our proofer will have a copy before we do, actually. We'll begin reading as soon as the proof gets here Monday.

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