Thursday, June 13, 2024

Forget Getting Biblical

Well damn it all, that squeaky sound in the Honda Pilot is the result of the engine cover fastener being broken. That was a fun goddamn morning, since no one at the auto parts store was the slightest bit interested in helping us out. Bastards. Needs an oil change anyway. We are seriously fucked off.  As we write this a telemarketer is ringing us, and we may just take out our frustration on that poor Hindoostani son-of-a-btich. 

Last night we attended an awards ceremony at Bridgewater-Raritan Middle School. Our own Middle Daughter received a presidential award for academic excellence. Needless to say, we're delighted and proud. Bridgewater's demography was on full display in that crowded gymnasium, we assure reader(s). Each award recitation had several Patels. Fun fact, the daughter of a former professional baseball player was in attendance. Girl's fashion these days entails wearing a pretty summer dress with sneakers, very often Chuck Taylors. 

Pursuant to our post yesterday which included deer and geese, the leader of this blog's Confederate Contingent recommends, 'Wrap it bacon and cook with some potatoes in the oven for a couple of hours...' The deer or the goose? We've actually eaten Canada Goose before, served one Christmas at the Algonquin, oddly. 

Today Israeli troops on the Lebanon border are, and we swear we're not making this up, launching incendiary bombs using catapults, bows, and slings. The Jews are literally going Medieval.

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