Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Jamal Bowman Knows What the Imams Say

With no dance, post dance parties, and of course, no school, this is our first full week of summer. So far, we're enjoying ourselves thoroughly despite yesterday's incidents. We've had all the things; outside, bike riding, swimming pool, sitting on the stoop with our guitar and a beer, fireflies...the whole bit. Next week Mrs. Stroock takes the Stroocklettes to visit family in Indiana. Long time reader(s) of this blog know what that means: morose, introspective Will. 

Alright, Stroock's Books, what do we got today?

Last night Congressman Jamal Bowman (Thug, Gaza), went down in glorious defeat to Westchester County Executive George Latimer. Political pro-tip, being anti-Jewish in Westchester County is NEVER a good campaign Strategy. Jamal Bowman knows what the imams say.

In other elections news, up north in Canada, which is drowning its collective post-Stanley Cup sorrows in pint after pint of Molson, the conservatives have taken an ultra-left Toronto riding that the grits held for 30 + years. 

Mentally we had envisioned a violent and bloody IDF attack on Rafah, evocative of other urban campaigns against Jihadi. Think Grozny in 2000 or Fallujah in 2004. But no, the Rafah operation slowly fades as Israel meets all its objectives except the big one of freeing the hostages. Again, the Israelis certainly know the location of many hostages but doesn't have a way to rescue them.

There is some speculation in the Israeli press that the winding down of the Gaza campaign will lead to an 'off ramp' Hezbollah can use to stop attacking Isarel and avoid all-out war.  Would that be a good or bad thing?

We think the attack on Hezbollah happens because with no war, there's really no reason for Netanyahu to remain PM. Also, keeping the war going is a great way for Bibi to stick it to Biden. 

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 6/23/24 (supplemental): Ah ha! We got it! We finally have the idea for the World War II alternate history compilation: Ambush at Lingayen Gulf. MacArthur's Far Eastern Air Force survives the Japanese attack on the Philippines and is intact to meet the main Japanese landing at Lingayen Gulf. We have exactly 30 days to make this happen. 

In World War 1990: Thatcher's War, all the Irish characters must needs be in the intro. 

Book sales are up lately. Are our Substack efforts finally paying dividends, or is the sales spike just algorithmic mischief? 

The hardcopy of World War 1990: Norway is formatted and ready to go. We're just waiting for the Kindle version. We will meet our June deadline. 

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