Friday, June 28, 2024

Joe Must Go?!

Mrs. Stroock wanted the deck power washed so power washed the deck was. 

Three days in a row at the gym, tension machines, cardio, weights. We may do a walk this afternoon just because the weather is nice, and we've got plenty of delicious podcasts in (to?) which to listen. 

Biden didn't do well in last night's debate, they say. I dunno. We were enjoying a pleasant evening outside and later some quality time with various assorted daughters. 

We did look at some of the post-debate wrap last night and it appears Joe glitched and Trump was more or less normal, for Trump. 

We'd just like to point out that in 2012 Mitt Romney cleaned Barry's clock and look how that turned out. 

And so Regime Media calls for Joe to step aside. Don't fool yourself, reader(s). Whatever the legal hurdles, if the Dems think they can and must replace Joe they will. We don't know why we're the only one's thinking of this. Why not switch out Joe for Jill? Think of the narrative. Regime Media will snort it off the floor. And as the day goes on, the more likely this looks to happen. Exit question: how does the Biden camp push back?

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