Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Will Rocks On a Tuesday

Okay so the gizmo we needed to properly attach the engine cover to our Honda Pilot engine finally arrived. We slipped it into the slot, replaced the cover, turned the screw and...Everything fit just right. Weird. And worrying. When something goes unreasonably right the many-faced god usually has an ironic surprise waiting for us. You know what the imams say. 

Notes on picking up Middle Daughter from her 8th grade waterpark fieldtrip...There must be 300 cars in this parking lot...someone is going to die in this mess...judging by the way that woman is backing up and not paying any attention at all, it's going to be me...just look for the little blonde girl...

Yesterday we listed our ten favorite rock songs. As we put together the list, in most cases we remembered the first time we heard the song. The songs that made that list amazed and stunned us the first time we heard them. Which is why they've stuck with us, in some cases, for 35 + years and ended up on the list. 

Alert reader(s) will have noticed that we put nine songs on our top-10 song list. We did this for two reasons. First, we couldn't think of a 10th song that was genuinely pickable over other songs, and D we wanted to leave a space open for the great song which we have not yet heard.  Do note that two of the songs on the list, Wolfmother's Apple Tree, and The Answers' Walkin Matt, we heard in 2006 and 2008. So it could happen.*

Dune Part 2, Part Fem, Part II: As part of this blog's attempt to understand the gynecological disaster that is Star Wars: The Acolyte, today we look at another interesting woman in Dune Part 2; Lady Margo Fenring. Fenring is a member of the Bene Gesserit sisterhood sent to Geidi Prime to observe and evaluate the Harkonnen na-Baron, Feyd Routha. Fenring strikes us as a young Reverend Mother Mohaim. When Fenring meets Feyd she mocks while flattering him, all the while learning how he reacts to her provocations. She draws the young na-Baron into her quarters where she subjects him to the gom jabar. Later Fenring concludes Feyd is a psychopath whose weaknesses are sex and humiliation. 'He can be controlled,' Fenring tells the Reverend Mother. She conceives a child with Feyd to continue the sisterhood's breeding program, 'A girl, as requested.' Lady Margo Fenring will probably be running the sisterhood one day. 

Professor Stroock: We had a rule during the six years we stood in front of a class full of impressionable youths: do the time and you'll do fine. By which we meant, and this is verbatim, if you show up, participate, do the work, show us you tried, show us cared, you will, repeat will pass this class. To rephrase, if you exert effort and do the best you can there is no doubt, zero doubt whatsoever that you will pass. 

This blog is aware of polls showing Trump with an ever-growing lead nationally and in swing states. Fine. But until someone shows us the GOP GOTV effort and their plan to Stop the Steal, we'll predict a Biden 'victory'.

*We didn't want to do two songs by the same band. We could easily have picked a second song by Led Zeppelin (Traveling Riverside Blues) or Def Leppard (Hysteria) or The Answer (Riverbed). We thought about Metallica's Sad but True, another song which we vividly remember hearing for the first time.  We considered Van Halen's Best of Both Worlds, the first favorite of our teenage years. 

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