Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Rate of Despair

Good Wednesday, Stroocks Books reader(s). The summer heat wave continues here in northern New Jersey. A more ambitious man would mow the lawn today. 

We got in our weightlifting session yesterday making for three gym days in a row. Yesterday afternoon, when we should have been editing a scene in World War 1990: Thatcher's War, we were instead looking at our bloodwork test from December. Our triglycerides are still two and a half times the number at which doctors hit the panic button. The good cholesterol is down. The bad cholesterol is up. All the pre-diabetes warning signs are there. Yes, we can eat better, but we eat a hell of a lot better than we did when they roto-rootered our artery nine years ago. What's a man to do?

Let's see, what do we got this morning...The Israelis are launching a fresh offensive in Gaza City.  Defence Minister Gallant says 60 percent of Hamas fighters are dead or captured. This blog has always said slaughter of the rank and file is more important than death or capture of the leadership. And here's a good article on just what the IDF is doing to destroy Hamas infrastructure in Gaza. Why it's almost as if the Israelis get new intel and then act on it, like they have a strategy. You know what the imams say. 

Doomer update: Ya'll know Biden's gonna bounce back in the polls, right? Trump was well ahead in September of 2016, then the 'pussygate' story happened. W was waaaaay ahead in September of 2004, and then Jean Francois Kerry 'won' the first debate and the press uploaded its 'Kerry comeback' template (after the fake Killian National Guard memo). The media always finds a way.  That being said, efforts to remove Joe seem to be picking up steam once more. 

Ah! World War 1990: Norway now has 16 ratings 4.4 stars and is, as of this writing, 17th in its Amazon category. For anyone curious about what that translates into sales wise, Amazon notes Norway has sold 100 + copies in the last month. Actually, it's a 100 +++ copies and many tens of thousands of pages have been read on KU; in 12 days. We'll recoup all our production costs this month. Reminder: we are among the best there is at what we do. 

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