Friday, August 9, 2024

Detract This!

Oh look, a Tornado watch here in New Jersey. We don't get those very often. This has been a particularly wet August, making a typically gross time of year even grosser. These are called the dog days for a reason. 

Breitbart's Joel Pollak with an interesting thread about the Jewish* vote. Read it, Gentile reader(s). Nutgraph as the J-School losers would say: Trump may swing some Jewish voters his way, but he most certainly won't win the Jewish vote. This is especially true of Reform/liberal Jews. Reform Jews are the Yankee Protestants of the Jewish world. And just like Episcopal churches, Reform synagogues fly rainbow flags and stick inclusivity signs by the door. We would never join a Reform synagogue. Read Pollak.

Cardiologist report: The nurse was cute, 40ish, trim and athletic, black hair with blonde highlights, lots of jewelry. She clearly enjoyed putting the EKG stickies on our chest [knobhead-Ed]. The EKG was 70, we're told this is good. Blood pressure 130/80, which is excellent. We've lost five pounds since our last visit. We had a good talk with the doctor, who told us between diet (which could always be better), exercise, and medication, we're doing everything we can to stave off the heart attack we damn near had in 2015. Reminder: 95 percent blockage. 

We also talked to the doctor about stress induced worry. We worry a lot. For example, our sump pump briefly stopped working because the float switch was stuck, which we easily unstuck and it has a backup which would have kicked in anyway. Also, with all the rain we're worried about the basement at the Stroock Northern Strategic Direction. We worry a lot about nagging little things. And we worry about big picture things we can't do a damn thing about. Sports, elections, Israel. 

You know what we don't worry about though? Writing. 

Well look at that. World War 1990: Norway has 100 ratings and a 4.2 star average on Amazon. We're on a streak. A roll even. We have detractors. Those detractors are in a selective minority, while we are among the best there is at what we do. Just ask the reading public. 

*That's al Yahud or der Juden for you Democrats out there. 

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