Thursday, August 8, 2024

Kabuki Transpiring and we Know Nothing

A few election observations...Kamala is having a second bad week in a row. First the minor kerfuffle about the Second Gentleman's first wife, and now Veep nom Tin Walz's National Guard issues...* We warned reader(s) about last month's polls, we warn them about this month's polls...More poll warnings...Polls showed Hillary well ahead in 2016. Polls showed Biden well ahead in 2020 and they still needed five days to manufacture enough votes to create a Biden victory. Polls predicted a red wave in 2022. Be wary of polls. 

We noticed last night that the Ukrainians have launched a major offensive into the Russian's Kursk Oblast. Why? Kursk lies northeast of Ukraine and this offensive does nothing to alleviate the pressure Ukraine faces on the east and southern fronts. We are confused. Maybe that's the point. Zero Hedge has a good writeup. Without looking we're sure the same people who talked up the glorious Ukrainian Summer Offensive of 2023 are talking this offensive up as the beginning of the end for the Ruskis. We doubt it. 

The diplomatic-retaliatory kabuki continues apace in the Middle East. The longer Iran waits to attack Israel, the weaker Iran looks. Meanwhile the Israel/US coalition grows stronger. Many argue Iran is waging psychological warfare against the Israelis. Bullshit. The Iranians are indecisive and scared. There, we said it. The Mullahs are in a tough spot. Hit Israel too hard and the Jews will destroy Hezbollah. The Israelis have conducted pinpoint, preemptive strikes in Lebanon for a week now. They're ready. Exit question. If the Israelis can plant a bomb in a IRGC guest house, where can't they plant a bomb? [Aren't you getting just a wee bit overconfident?-Ed] Why yes, yes we are. 

Glenn Reynolds notes: 'HISTORICAL NOTE: Today is the 23d blogiversary of InstaPundit, which started on August 8, 2001.' And it was 20 years ago this summer that we discovered Instapundit. Looking for some more blogs to read, we went through Real Clear Politics blogroll and clicked. We'd heard of Instapundit before, via Mickey Kaus, one of the original bloggers. Kaus directed us to RCP in 2002 or 2003. Honestly, blogs are kind of a bad habit we wish we could quit. Who are these people that exist not knowing everything they can possible know about daily transpirings?  

Okay, we've read through Thatcher's War. The first chapter shows a bunch of Irish scenes the night the war begins. The next chapter is a whip around of various foreign capitals a week after the war; updates from Moscow, London, and Washington, and establishing scenes in Baghdad and Belgrade. There follows the IRA attempt on Maggie. And then a bunch of reactions in various places. Lastly we've written the botched SAS raid on an IRA stash house. 

We're off to our regularly scheduled cardiologist appointment. Wish us luck. 

*Bush the Elder won with Dan Quayle. So don't get too excited. 

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