Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Smart People Agree with Will...

...They always do.

has come early to northern New Jersey with temperatures in the high 60s. We had a lovely evening sitting outside last night. 

We've hit the gym five days in a row. Weights, cardio, strength, cardio, off or na? The good thing about cardio is one can always do more cardio. And we just like getting to the gym. We'll see. 

So an alert reader on Substack noticed we misspelled Milton Friedman yesterday. Whoops. [Maybe if you hadn't fired your imaginary Liverpudlian editor over Me Too concerns you wouldn't make those kinds of errors-Ed]. Maybe...maybe. One should see the way 'Stroock' can get mangled. Everyone forgets the 'c'. No idea why. It's frustrating. It's wrong. 

Hot Air agrees with Will: 'In the most direct remarks yet about his policy in the October 7 war, Netanyahu has told Israelis that the country's strategic necessities outweigh the hostages Hamas holds.' That's a tough, tough thing to say. Tough and correct. Read on as Hot Air says some very tough things about Bibi and how he helped set the precedent for lopsided prisoner exchanges. Tough things which are absolutely right.

Powerline also agrees with Will and in the exact same way with the exact same clip we sited yesterday: 'What is remarkable is not so much that Donahue would host Friedman for an entire show, but that he would let Milton finish his answer. He didn’t interrupt or heckle or demagogue his guest. In fact he is courteous and polite to Friedman throughout.' Great minds as they say...great minds. 

Hat trick* as Foreign Affairs agrees with Will as well. Quoth the headline: 'Israel Is Winning: But Lasting Victory Against Hamas Will Require Installing New Leadership in Gaza.' We say Israel should leave a smoldering ruin for the Arabs to clean up and declare any terrorism from the Strip, any terrorism at all, will result in a massive, disproportionate response. 

Israel Radar reports on Israeli plans for the Hezbollah War. With increased Hezbollah rocket fire (180 today so far), increased Israeli raids on Lebanon, and nothing but pessimistic talk coming from all sides of the negotiations, it does seem....well...we'll see. Hezbollah, Bibi. Now, on Israel's terms, while Israelis remain supportive of and confident in the war effort. 

*With deference to this blog's Canadian reader(s).

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