Sunday, August 18, 2024

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 8/18/24

Yesterday we spent some time thinking about World War 1990: Thatcher's War and even worked on a scene introducing a new character. What are Murphy's accomplices doing after the attempt on Thatcher's life, other than laying low? We're wondering if this intro scene might go better in the prologue chapter where we whip around various locales to update readers. Could work. 

We ordered another book, this one exclusively about British efforts against the Provos during The Troubles. Reader(s) of this blog will recall we've traditionally approached this conflict and the obsession with same on the part of some with a certain amount of bemusement, and it will be said, contempt.** And while these views will show up in Thatcher's War, we are determined to get the facts as right as we can get them. We'll also do our level best to treat the conflict, not with deference, but shall we say, sensitivity.  

Remember, in World War 1990: The Final Storm, Murphy has two accomplices, an Irish army officer and a Libyan contact (the Libyans sent lots of weapons to the IRA in the 80s). The Brits are going to track them down and use them as a casus belli for some sort of punitive action against Ireland. 

And the ideas percolate. 

Let's see if we can get a War Night story idea sorted out, today. Okay?

*Well look at that, World War 1990: The Final Storm has 250 ratings, 4 + stars. Devotees will recall how we struggled with TFS. We did struggle so.

**Ah, jeez, who gives a crap if the six northern counties are part of the UK? [Really? You don't think the Israelis should surrender one inch of Judea and Samaria -Ed]. That's different. [Pray tell, how?-Ed]. It just is [Oh, I see-Ed]. Oh Yeah? Well, when we told you we were touring Kilmainheim Goal in London you replied, 'What lies are they telling?'.

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