Friday, September 20, 2024

Friday it Blows Up

Shabbat Shalom, Stroock's Books Kibbutzim. For logistical reasons we won't be attending services tonight and we're almost...regretful? What is happening to us?

Hmmm...a touch of gout this morning. What's up with that? The worst thing we've eaten lately is Doritos. Mmmmm Doritos. Do not, repeat do not, keep those in the house. We only had a bag because we made our mother's delicious tamale pie this week. A kind of meat and bean casserole baked in tomato sauce topped with cheese and Doritos. This is a very 1970s dish. Latin reader(s) are invited to opine in comments.*  

Back to school night last night. Hot for Teacher score was disappointing. As this was Youngest Daughter's school, we didn't hear anything we didn't already know. Also, many of Youngest Daughter's classmates were their parent's Oldest Child, so we met a lot of parents that were a decade younger than us, or more. We're old. Beats the alternative, though. 

We could post pics of stumpy Hezbollah men if we wanted too. Hassan Nasrallah gave a defiant speech yesterday vowing retaliation. Iran has been vowing retaliation for weeks. The more bellicose the Arab's rhetoric, the more impotent is the Arab [Iranians ain't Arab-Ed]. I know. This Hezbollah scooter rally through Beirut is the gayest thing on TV since Queer Eye. Their show of force looks like Pride parade. Where's the Hell's Angels when you need 'em? 

We gloat, for now, for dark days lie ahead. We gloat more! The Israelis just took out Hezbollah Chief of Operations Ibrahim Aqil. Hezbollah is vowing revenge. As we write this Hezbollah has begun a massive rocket barrage, it seems. The war in the north goes on, and on and on. 

Dear god, Arutz Shiva reports, 'A new poll published Friday morning showed the Likud party continuing to lead its opponents. The poll, conducted by Lazar Research for Maariv, showed Likud winning 24 Knesset seats, leading the second-largest party, National Unity, by three seats.' A hypothetical party led by Naftali Bennett only ties Likud. As it stands now neither left nor right would get a majority in the Knesset. After nearly a year of war, Israeli politics are right back where they started.**

Black Pill Will: We saw some polls out yesterday showing Kamala gaining steam. The polls gave the Dems a +7 advantage. Go ahead and mock. We don't think that's realistic either. But do note in 2012, polls generally gave Barry Soetoro a +5 advantage and we thought that was wrong. It was. The final Dem turnout advantage was +6. Some pollster is going to be really right this election.  The rest of the pollsters are going to be really wrong. Who has the lay of the land? If we knew that would we be sitting here regretting the pistachio nuts we had at lunch? No, we be down at Monmouth racetrack dropping c-notes. 

Well this is an interesting media scandal from The NY Post: 'New York magazine politics reporter Olivia Nuzzi’s partner, Politico’s Ryan Lizza, confirmed the pair had called off their engagement in a comment about the ongoing scandal over her alleged relationship with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Lizza, 50, addressed the rumors about Nuzzi’s supposed tryst with the former presidential candidate in a statement published in Politico PM Friday afternoon.' Related, one of our favorite posts ever. You can tell because it mentions the great Robert Stacy McCain. Never get involved in a sexual tryst with a source, especially a Kennedy. That Nuzzi is still alive we attribute to Providence.  

*We recall our professorial days, and the time we told the class about Casa de Stroock's Fiesta grande de Conquistador! - taco night. The Latin kids became visibly angry and made some recipe suggestions. 

**Avigdor Lieberman's Israel Beytenu would win 14 seats. That's a strong vote for more bellicosity.  

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