The glasses say 'brain' but the smile...?
Basically, this young lady was trading the poon-tang for classified Senate intel info.
Now that's what we call access journalism.
Take it away Robert Stacy McCain, who should totally be ashamed of himself for that screen cap.
[You laughed so hard Mrs. Stroock said 'uh oh' and took the girls shopping-Ed.]
We can assure readers that we never gave it up for info or research material. About the closest we've ever come to access journalism was our research for A Line through the Desert. Basically, if you were a source, you made a cameo in the book.
Moving on to Ms. Watkins' intel source, or 'john', we come to one James A. Wolfe, who is under indictment for leaking classified material. It seems that when young Ali Watkins came on to him his brain turned to mush and oozed out his ears. Wolfe is 57, which means he must have needed a ton of Viagra.*
You know, Adam Carolla used to say that some people shouldn't be allowed to have their genitalia. James A. Wolfe is one of those people.
*Or Cialis.
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