Thursday, September 5, 2024

Will's Knesset and Parliamentary Maneuvering Whip Around

The temperature is 50 degrees this morning on the second day of school. Ten days ago mornings were warm and humid. Remarkable. 

Yesterday we watched a piece of performance art by one of the masters of our age. At his press conference, Netanyahu begged forgiveness from hostage families all while talking tough to Hamas and explaining his negotiating stance.  The conference was held in English, meaning Bibi's audience was the US and the West. The press asked him some good, tough questions. We Bibi he had good, Strong answers. Reading The Times of Israeli's live tweets, man, do they ever hate Bibi. 

Speaking of: The ToI's own Jacob Magid is super connected to high ranking sources in the Biden Regime and the Netanyahu government. Magid has a long summation of the negotiations. He says the Philadelphi Corridor and list of Gazan and West Bank Person terrorists to be released are the major holdups. Beware reporters with important, anon sources. They have to whore themselves out to get them. Still, Magid seems to know what's what.

Yesterday we noted here and on Substack that Netanyahu is a bastard and we're glad he's on our side. Some took issue with our characterization. Really, you don't think Bibi is...ethically questionable? Hey, we're glad he's on our side. What more do these people want?

Anyway, bravo, Bibi. Bravo indeed.

Related: The Jerusalem Post reports Bibi has lost a little in the polls (21 seats) and Benny Gantz has gained a little (22 seats). A hypothetical rightwing party led by Naftalli Bennett would win 32 seats. This is interesting, 'Regarding the suitability for prime minister, Gantz led with 37% support, shooting up from 30% in the previous poll, while Netanyahu dropped from 36% to 30%. When pitted against Yair Lapid, Netanyahu led by a small margin of 34% to 32%.' As noted before, Gantz has the political instincts of a vegetable. He entered a government with Netanyahu, after all. Never enter a government with Netanyahu. Reminder, Bibi's biggest and loudest critics are his former allies. 

Also: We see failed Israeli PM Ehud Barak is slamming Netanyahu for 'strategic failures'. No we're not making that up. If there's one thing Barak understands, it's strategic failures. He withdrew the IDF from Southern Lebanon in the dead of night, and tried to give Jerusalem to Yassir Arafat.* His flawed negotiations led to two years of war and a thousand deaths. Why does anyone care what this failure thinks? Go away. 

From the land of moose, hockey and Les Stroud: Our Fellow North American messaged us last night to tell us that NDP leader Jasmit Singh has pulled out of his agreement with PM Justin Trudeau. We were excited, we admit. We won't get into the ins and outs of parliamentary intrigue, but it's possible Justin could lose a no confidence vote, forcing an election this autumn. This is great news, but to be honest, the damage has already been done. When Will says he's been black pilled, it's because Will is black pilled. 

On the gripping hand: Yesterday was a good day with Voodoo Genie. The story has a narrative from beginning to middle, maybe a little beyond the middle, and we know how the story is going to end.'s getting more and more derivative, not intentionally, that's just how things are shaking out. We're not going to fret. As the great Lemmy Kilmister once remarked, 'It's all derivative. Maybe they'll come up with something we can use.'

Voodoo Genie details are the greatest problem right now. There are things we don't know, but at least we know that we don't know them. We may not care. For example, we heard a very nice Canadian pilot talk about two nuclear 'keys' for the Air-2 Genie rocket, one Canadian one American. Hmmm...would there not be Yank SPs guarding the nukes at Bagotville or North Bay? It's a nice plot point. We may go with it whatever the facts. 

*Homosexual, died of AIDS.

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