Monday, April 27, 2015

The Millenial Problem (2)

This article by one Elizabeth Bentivegna is interesting. Nut graph, as they used to say at the CSJ, Miss Bentivegna went to a job interview dressed like she was 'clubbbing' and is outraged that she did not get the job for that very reason.

Two points. First the sense of entitlement and outrage is breathtaking. Second, what I find far more interesting is Ms. Bentivegna's inability to dress properly for a job interview.

People need to be taught things, carefully, as Rogers and Hammerstein might say. So, I'm betting that no one ever told Ms. Bentivegna how to properly dress for a job interview. So the debacle is not really her fault.

We must learn these things.

Twenty one years ago I had a job where I got fired for badmouthing the boss. Obvious, right? Well I learned this one the hard way, didn't I? A lesson I have never forgotten.

My then fiancé once got turned down for a job because I drove her to the interview and hung out in the lobby. They specifically told her they didn't like me hanging out in the lobby. Oooookaaaay.

As mentioned before, I see two kind of Millenials. One is Ms. Bentivegna. Oberlin is $48,000 +. She's a Millenial of privilege. These are the pampered, helicoptered, entitled kids.  At RVCC I see millneials all day. Non of them are privileged. There mostly working and middle class kids. A sprinkling of vets. Lots of minorities. None of them feel entitled. And none of them would be outraged at not getting a job because they showed up in tights and a short skirt.

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