Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Taking a Look at W, the Good-Foreign Policy

In a previous post I noted everything I felt was wrong with George W. Bush and his administration.

Now lets see what he did right.

First off his leadership after 9/11. There is no need to post clips and remember his swagger here, we all know what W. did.

He kept us safe. Some troll will say 'W. knew'. This argument is based on the 'infamous' August 6th memo. The memo in question is easily found and is completely obvious. Bush 'knew' about 9/11 in the sense that someone reading this 'knows' ISIS is planning to attack us now.

Let us not forget that he did something which pundits thought would be impossible, who in December of 2001 were already throwing the 'quagmire' word around, he liberated Afghanistan. The method was intriguing, native troops supported by Special Forces and CIA paramilitaries and American air power. It worked well and was repeated in Northern Iraq, and in Ethiopia against the Islamic Courts Union.

Iraq was liberated. After the initial liberation the war settled down into a true mess, during which W managed to rebuild the infrastructure, and build from scratch a government which included a constitution. He built the Iraqi Army, which fought decently during the crucial phase in 2007-2008. And most importantly he implemented the Surge, which won the campaign.

On a different note, when Putin invaded Georgia, W. was steadfast in his support. He flew a Georgian infantry brigade back from Iraq, sent arms and ammo to the Georgians, dispatched a US Navy ship to dock at Georgia's main port, and was extremely critical of Vladimir Putin, so  much so that the two publicly argued at the Beijing Games.

Of course, W. was very much on Israel's side during the 2002 war with Fatah, the 2006 Hezbollah War, and the 2008 Hamas War. He and Tony Blair marginalized Yassir Arafat and replaced him with Makmud Abbas.

Now, W. did  misread Putin early on (where was Condi Rice, the Russia expert) and was far to close to the Saudis. But overall W. has a fine foreign policy record.

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