Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Europe does not need Angela Merkel

Via Drudge, a faux controversy about a bit of CGI trouble making by a German TV network:
German TV network accused of Islamophobia for producing mock-up image of "Muslim Merkel", as Pegida shows resurgence with 9,000-strong rally.
Click over the image is hilarious and poignant.

800,000 'refugees',eh? Just like that?

It's not as if this is the first Islamic invasion of Europe. For all the success Islamic conquerors had they were repelled many times. Charles Martel in 751, the pan-Christian fleet at Lepanto in 1571, John Sobieski at the Gates of Vienna in 1683.

Where have you gone, Teutonic Knights?

One supposes that the historian shouldn't complain that the Germans have become such sheep. Honestly, do we like the other version?

What did it to the Germans and Europe. Was it the cradle to grave welfare state, the 300,000 man American army stationed in Europe, three generations of peace?

We've had barbarian hordes rampaging through American. Just look at Ferguson, or the Baltimore riots.

If you watch the beginning, at the top of the screen you cane see some burly baseball fans fighting back, punches are thrown, bottles tossed, etc. There's a barrel chested young man with a brimmed had standing his ground. I've seen more dramatic footage of him but can't find it. He wont be moved. There are millions of beta-male metro-sexuals who would have called the cops and live tweeted. These Orioles fans are not them.

Maybe Europe needs its football hooligans.

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