Wednesday, November 25, 2015


So the little, fascist twerps at Princeton are coming for Woodrow Wilson.

Well, he was a racist who screened Birth of the Nation at the White House and segregated the federal workforce.

We deal with this issue ever so slightly in our history of Pershing. Basically, one should judge the time, not the man, for the man is a product of that time.

There is also a movement afoot to remove Andrew Jackson from the $20. I couldn't agree more, the man's reputation baffles me. Time for Ronald Reagan, you know, a good president. Currency should be reserved for great men. Andrew Jackson was not one of them.

But back to Wilson. This is the worst kind of history, going back in time and judging men by the values of our own. Only one group does this of course.

What was Washington's stance on gay marriage? Did Lincoln support amnesty? Sure Teddy Roosevelt may have busted the trusts, but what was his stance on trans-gendered rights?

I have this conversation every semester with my students. In 50 years, your grandchildren will be baffled by something you think is right and proper at this moment. I dunno what.

I hold no brief for Woodrow Wilson, but memory holing him for these reasons is insane.

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