Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Jack This, Balding Boomers

Everything about this is true:

This movie was a sensation at the time. I recall the initial marketing campaign showed clips of Forrest meeting Kennedy, LBJ, etc, etc. CGI like that was a big deal in 1994.

The Honest Trailer guys really never get to the crux of the matter: this movie is an excuse for Baby Boomer masturbatory nostalgia. Its all there, the bucolic 50's,the turbulent 60's, the me 70's, what always caught my attention was all little pop references in the 80's sequences. 'Shit happens' Forrest said.

Is the movie any good? I haven't watched it since 1995 and have no intention of doing so. Mostly Forrest Gump is just a Boomer to make us watch them jack off to their fading memories. There was a great discussion on CNN in '94 between Pat Buchanan and some Limey. The later argued that the movie's message was 'be dumb'. Buchanan argued that Robert Zmeckus had inadvertently made a very conservative movie. Mr. Buchanan was right.

And the cliches, oh the cliches. Even in 1994 the angry Vietnam Vet was old news.  I wrote a Vietnam vet into A Line through the Desert, but he wasn't angry he was just boring because, you guessed it, he couldn't shut the hell up about Vietnam.

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