Thursday, February 11, 2016

New Hampshire Negs

Well, the NH primary didn't turn out like I expected, with Trump finishing second and Rubio coming in first.

My man, Marco, who has already received the coveted Stroock endorsement, seems to be wilting at exactly the wrong time.

My consolation prize is that Jeb! finished 5th.

Rubio is a candidate 20 years in the making, and I don't just say that because we're roughly the same age, grew up during the same political time, and I know a couple of people who went to school with him.

Rubio was/is a young policy-wonk, like I was/am. He came of age during the Gingrich Revolution when young conservatives went about sighting optimal tax rates, advocating school choice and Social Security reform. We were an army of conservative policy-wonks talking about ideas.

Only problem is those ideas were carried by Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole and coy.

Rubio watched this and understood it. He is young, good looking, articulate, smart, well read, and married to an ex-Dolphins cheerleader (these are the facts I need to know). He was invented to run in the Gingrich-Clinton-Bush-Obama era.

Trouble is Trump and Sanders seem to have inaugurated a new era.

Cruz anyone?

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