Monday, February 8, 2016

Notes on a Spectacle

The Superbowl:

-A great game? No. A good game, a tension filled game? Yes.
-Nice to see some defense for a change.
-The two greatest Superbowl defenses I've ever seen are the '85 Bears and the 2000 Ravens. The Bronco's defense is not on that level, probably akin to the '86 Giants, a lot of attacking, a lot of bruising the QB.
-Peyton Manning managed the game very smartly, playing to his strengths, or avoiding his weaknesses, anyway.
-Peyton Manning can't throw anymore. Amazing.
-When a behemoth like Carolina gets punched in the mouth early they don't usually know how to respond.
-Cam Newton looked baaaaaaaad in so many ways.

Anyway, we're still in this streak of good to great Super Bowls with a few exceptions here and there. When I was a kid they were almost always blowouts beginning with the '85 bears through to Broncos in 1997. Heck, I remember when John Elway was the guy who lost three Super Bowls.

Speaking of, as a Giants fan I've gotten to see four Super Bowl victories.  Super Bowl XXI was a lot of fun. Denver had a moment like this last night too. Its great, just wonderful, actually, when the game is still on and you know you're going to win. Most of the 4th quarter of SB XXI was a victory celebration. If you're not a fan of the team its brutal, but when its your team, its the greatest feeling in the world.

Congrats to Peyton Manning, who I can no longer call 'Eli's less successful older brother'. 

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