Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Ghost Busters! I ain't afraid of no Social Justice Warrior

Well, here's the trailer:

So they remade Ghostbusters with an all girl cast.

Why not? Do something different.

And they made them all a bunch of geniuses. Why not to that too?

The movie was written by Katie Dippold.

She's a professional comedienne, and strikes me as a bit of a comedy geek. I bet she's watched every episode of 30 Rock. I know I have.

The movie has something of an agenda: smart STEM girls. Penny from the Big Bang Theory is closer to the truth, but why not? Yes, I'm saying girls don't like science. Jersey girl, too Here's a telling pic:

Girl Power! Indeed. I have three myself.

They even got a black chick.

Judging by the trailer she's the stock sassy, no no-none ghetto girl whose gonna tell it like it is. Actually I think pairing her with three geeky white girls is a good idea.

Of course the Social Justice Warriors are throwing a fit. Why not, a black woman can't be a scientist too? Well of course, but as a writer, I think its a natural gag. Of course, the choice does make one think that Ms. Dippold can only think of a black woman in the terms outlined above. What would one expect from a white suburban girl of privilege?

It's not my problem,

In the original Ghostbusters the guys may have been brilliant, but they were also doofuses who had to figure out things as they went along. I mean, they trash a ballroom first time out and its hilarious. They brought a black guy, Ernie Hudson, into the mix mid-movie. Me thinks an exec said, 'Great, but you need to broaden the audience. Billy Dee Williams isn't available? Fine, get Ernie Hudson, or Kieth David if he's available.'

So here Ms. Deppold decided to stick with the formula.

The whole controversy can only help ticket sales.

God I wish I could get some of the SJW action directed at me. I mean with all the 'rape culture' hysteria, these people would freak out if the read A Line though the Desert. Don't believe me, go out and by a copy. Please?

Just because. You're welcome:

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