Monday, May 2, 2016

The Trump Star Approaches

This must be how the good people of Alderan felt when they saw the Death Star approaching.

Lemme explain.

I'm 42. That's makes me in the same demographic cohort as Cruz and Rubio. 20 years ago I was a college Republican participating in the roacous back in forth of the College Republican National Committee. I was personal friends with most of the D.C. College Republican leadership.

I hosted Jo Gali at my apartment for a few CR parties. Go ahead and google. He was actually lied about by Stephen Glass of Shattered Glass fame.

We were the up and coming conservatives, a new generation that grew up under Reagan and swept into D.C. on Newt's coattails. I myself was part of the infamous 104th Congress, interning for Senator William V. Roth of DE.

Washington was Rome and we were the Goths. We had policy proscriptions, studies on important matters of the from school choice to Medicare reform. We knew government and how to reform it. It is now forgotten but John Kasich was chair of the House budget committee. He was pictured on the cover of Time tearing a copy of the budget in half.

How'd all that work out?

All our think tank opinions didn't mean jack against 'you want to cut taxes for the rich, and starve children!'

Ahh, the fall of 1995 where it all came apart.

We had no answer for Bill Clinton, and none for Barrack Obama, not really. The best description of the experience I know of is Jim Gerhaty's 'Weed Agency". It really struck w chord with me.

You can see this with Jennifer Rubin, whom I've taken to this space to bash before. She demands policy positions on pro-growth tax rates, comprehensive immigration reform, the Pacific Pivot. Paul Ryan is her man, another Young Conservative Gun whose my age. He and I both love AC/DC. I don't blame her, I mean who doesn't get lost in his dreamy blue eyes. I know I do.

What have all us policy wonks, man are we welcome at the Heritage Foundation, accomplish? What's changed in the last 20 years? Nothing.

Now all those working stiffs who've listened to us for 20 years while we said, 'Na, you're gonna love NAFTA, you're gonna love immigration reform,' they're all getting behind Mr. Trump. They have no use for Cruz and even less for Rubio. Ryan? Whose that?

We've been respectable for decades now, it worked, hadn't it. We all recall the Dole, McCain and Romney Admins.

Maybe the whole thing needs to go through the fire of destruction that President Hillary! will bring.

Or maybe Mr. Trump will win. Who knows, 'cause we sure won't.

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