Thursday, June 23, 2016


A lone author's occasional attempt to understand Mr. Trump and his Phenomena

Part V: What might have been

We've mentioned before how we came of age during the era of extreme demonization, the 1990's, where Bill and Hill would constantly accuse us of malice and bad faith.

The likes of Newt and Bobdole never stood a chance.

Marco Rubio came of age during the same era. We are cut from the same cloth really.

It seems obvious to me Rubio spent the last 15 years preparing himself to run for office while getting bombarded by accusations of wanting to starve old people and throw children out on the street. The man always seemed unflappable to, almost British in his ability to stand before the camera, take Dem fire, and keep on going.

Good looking, articulate, always with an answer...cheerleader wife.

We wanted to  nominate him and go grab Nikki Haley to be his veep an run that pair against an old white Protestant lady. For once we wanted to be on the side of youth and new ideas, and call the other guys old and out of touch.

Also, I wanted to accuse the Dems of being racist.

Oh well.

We await the Brexit vote and suspect more political disappointment.

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