Saturday, June 4, 2016


OK, World War 1990, so here's what I'm thinking:
-Castro's Folly (this one is completed): With the Eastern Block under heavy pressure the Soviets force Cuba to jump into the war resulting in the Cubans making trouble in Angola and Central America
-Operation Pacific Storm: More trouble this time in the Pacific (obviously). Well see action in the Soviet Far East
-Untitled (Poland, Barents Sea. Halfway done). The Battle for Eastern Europe continues.
-Maggie vs the IRA: just because I love Maggie and loath the IRA.
-1992: Political thriller, not sure if I'm going to do this, but I like the idea of writing about the political ramifications of the world I've created.

1 comment:

  1. The best part of Red Storm Rising(for me) had not so much to do with the actual warfighting but the events that lead up to the war itself. It would make an enjoyable starting point and make a nice book set with the ramifications of the war itself.
