Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Different Universes

Over at Marginal Revolution, an interesting question:

In the Star Trek world there is virtual reality, personal replicators, powerful weapons, and, it seems, a very high standard of living for most of humanity....n Star Wars, the early episodes show some very prosperous societies. Still, droids are abused, there is widespread slavery, lots of people seem to live at subsistence, and eventually much of the galaxy falls under the Jedi Reign of Terror.
Time and place are the answers.

Star Trek was conceived alongside the post war Utopian of Kennedy, of NASA, of an America combating racism, poverty, etc. Gene Roddenberry wrote those Star Trek scripts as the nation was in the midst of a post-war, sleek, space age architectural revolution. Man as going to the moon, after all.

The sleek modernism of Star Trek became even more pronounced in The Next Generation. All those computers, all that metal, all those pastels. Jean Luc Picard's Enterprise looked clean to the point that it was downright sterile. The Federation looked dull, a place where nothing ever happened.

Which is fine really. Would you rather live in Canada or Congo? Nothing's ever happened in Canada. Now Congo on the other hand....but that's a subject for another post, isn't it?

Star Wars, well it was written and filmed in the 70's. 

Nothing more need be said.

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