Sunday, July 24, 2016

Voting for Mother

Via my FB friend Kathy Shaidle Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, makes an excellent point about something I've believed for a decade:

Clinton will probably win the vote of women. Her problem is men. If you ask a man why he doesn’t like Hillary Clinton, he might say something about her policies and her history. But the persuasion filter says the real reason men don’t like Clinton is that they can’t stand listening to her. Her speaking style reminds men of every bad relationship they have ever had with a woman. We’re all irrational sexists on some level, and Clinton sounds to many male ears like a disgruntled ex-wife, or perhaps your mom who had a really bad day. That’s a problem if you need the male vote.


Men, we've all known women like Hillary; the humorless girl ruining history class with her presentation on Shulimeth Firestone (I don't care how the name is spelled), the overbearing girlfriend who can't sit quietly through an action thriller cheese-fest (Road House! Cobra!), your bitch co-worker who ruins the Friday meeting with announcements about feminist weekend activities.

Hillary's! voice, THAT voice, that grating, hectoring voice which seems to be saying, 'Is that really workplace appropriate?'

I am reminded of a brief encounter I had in school twenty years ago when the prof, this guy, mentioned the Unabomber and a Marxist Beta with goatee and glasses said, 'What's wrong with the Unabomber?' Remembering that the Unabomber murdered a guy in the office next to my grandfather's I said, 'He's killing people,' to which the feminist sitting next to me (she was as good looking as a feminist in an elite D.C. college could have been) turned to me and said, 'So are white, Caucasian males'.

For two decades we've been talking about a gender gap. Well, how is Hillary! going to close this one? Especially when she's up against the ultimate ego driven alpha-male with the fashion model wife and the accomplished, tough and beautiful daughter. Mr. Trump, as I have called him since the Apprentice, is a man's man. And the best thing about him, he is self confident enough to simply be himself. Say what you want about Mr. Trump, we know who he is. What's more masculine than that?

When I see men with Hillary! T-shirts, inevitably their skinny, wearing glasses, flip-flops (if you ever see me in flip-flops you may assume I have been kidnapped  and replaced with a life-life robot by aliens who don't really I wouldn't be caught dead in flip-flops) has curly hair and glasses. He walks across the parking lot and gets into his black Volkswagon with his 'another man for choice' bumper sticker. This man is menstruating. He sits down when he takes a piss. He drinks something called 'shandy'. He enjoys spending time with his mother-in-law.

Which makes sense, since a voting for Hillary! is like voting for mother.

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