Saturday, August 20, 2016

World War 1990...the Prequel!

Yet another Amazon reviewer wants to know how the World War began and how it was fought.

Not necessarily surprising, I suppose but still. Strong seems the desire for a novel explaining how things got to the Battle of the Hanover Pocket.

I've written before how I thought dealing with the NATO counterattack against Warsaw Pact was much more interesting. That subject had never really been tackled before. If people wanted to read about the campaign is West Germany there is always Red Storm Rising, The Third World War, or Red Army.

What I think might be possible is a compilation of short stories about the war through the Battle of the Weser.

Possible subjects:
-West German Polizei
-West German Refugees
-Something about the Dutch or Belgian army
-Caretaker of a US base overrun by the Soviets
-The Battle of the Weser.

Readers are invited to make suggestions in the comments.

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