Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Writing? What Writing? Or your update for 8/17/16

I'm in a weird place right now as far as writing is concerned.

Actually I'm not writing much at all the last month.

I've been editing, and editing, and editing....

One can tell because my editor, PBUH, isn't speaking to me.

That's how you know the job is getting done.

On one front we've cranked out To Survive the Earth. On another we're getting Castro's Folly ready for a proof. Then there's The Final Storm, which I've spent the last month fixing. 65,000 words and no end in sight. I think we'll hit 90,000 easy.

Don't even get me started on Pershing in Command, which I've been going over again. Worst part of that is I'm finding the cracks where stuff can get into. More bio, more details. I mean, one morning the idea smacked me right in the head: why not give a bit of background on each Kraut division? Indeed, why not?

And then there's that great idea I got not three hours ago. Its a doozy....damn....

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