Thursday, September 8, 2016

C-in-C F and JC

I didn't watch the Commander in Chief forum last night. It doesn't matter if I watch.

But Jonathan Chait did. The results are impressive:

The shock, for me, was the realization that most Americans inhabit a very different news environment than professional journalists. I not only consume a lot of news, since it’s my job, I also tend to focus on elite print-news sources. Most voters, and all the more so undecided voters, subsist on a news diet supplied by the likes of Matt Lauer. And the reality transmitted to them from Lauer matches the reality of the polls, which is a world in which Clinton and Trump are equivalently flawed.
Chait once made news bragging about how proud he was to hate George W. Bush. Chaitred, it came to be called.

The great Hugh Hewitt once referred to three kinds of journalists, the talented and serious (Gerg Djerjian), the talented and un-serious (Andrew Sullivan) and the untalented and un-serious (Jonathan Chait.

That's right, John, most people aren't all consumed by their hatreds. Most people don't spend all their time reading news, watching news, receiving news Tweets. Most of us have jobs, families. For example, today was my middle girl's first day of first grade. I was kind of interested in that. Later I'm mowing the lawn before going to the store to pick up what I'm making for dinner.

You see, John, most of us get our news in little snippets, a blurb on the radio here, a headline on Yahoo News there.

Your column, there Johnnie boy, is really about you. And what you have to say is shocking. I realized that most people don't think about politics much when I was 22. That was 1995.

What took you so long?

He's right about one thing. Matt Lauer is a moron. Nice to see it working for my side for a change.

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