Friday, September 23, 2016

Debate This!

Patrick J. Buchanan, who is set up as a kind of mini-villain in Operation Eastern Storm is also an old Washington political hand, having served in the Nixon and Reagan Administrations. He is also about the sharpest political observers out there. Say what you want about his own politics, and there's a whiff of him in the Trump movement, the man understands how and why people vote.

Today he writes one of the smartest things he has ever written:
The winner of presidential debates is not the one who compiles the most debating points. It is the one whom the audience decides they like, and can be comfortable taking a chance on.
Spot on, Pat. The candidates who go into these events thinking they're debate society meets are the candidates who lose. Ask Algore, who won all the points but came out looking like a menacing, arrogant, jerk. He interrupted W, he always insisted on getting the last word, he would sigh at something he felt was particularly gregarious and he did this:

He also looked smarmy.

So look good Mr. Trump. Look smart and sharp, look like you belong up there. Mr. Trump has been comfortable in front of the camera for decades, including live TV. He is a self possessed businessman, an 80's style master of the universe. I always loved him on The Apprentice.

Hillary!, well....

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