Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Getting Warmer

Just in time for my work on the Centauri stories:

Currently named Proxima b, the planet is about the same size as Earth — approximately 1.3 sizes larger — and seems to have liquid water among a mostly rocky terrain. The find is not only incredible because of its similarity to Earth, but also the fact that it's near the star, Proxima Centauri, closest to our sun. Scientists have yet to determine whether or not the planet has an atmosphere, which would be crucial for life to survive there.
This is incredible news, I think.

Then there is this:

Scientists detected a strong signal in space, but is it alien life or just noise?
The signal, which was detected by a Russian radio telescope, could potentially be produced by some sort of extraterrestrial civilization, but there's no current way to confirm that.
The signal comes from the star HD164595, which is about 95 light-years away and it's 99% of the size of our sun. It also has at least one planet, HD164595b, which is believed to be the size of Neptune and has 40-day years.
 It's almost as if there is momentum toward the discovery of alien life.

Of course, in To Defend the Earth, the Jai come from Epsilon Eridani and in To Survive the Earth, we learn more of them are making the 12 light year journey. Speaking of, TStE has its first review, and lets just say, I still got it:
Very well-written, established characters, engaging action, intriguing premise, compelling themes, and a terrifying enemy that is not at all unlike us.
So read up!

While you still can...

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