Thursday, September 29, 2016

I am George Lucas Part Deux

Last fall I wrote a post about my big, clunky, overwritten book, Operation Eastern Storm, titling it, 'I am George Lucas'. That's not a good thing, by the way.

Well here we are again editing The Final Storm. I've already cut 5,000 and intend to cut more. I've also been reordering everything.

Believe me, The Final Storm needs it.

There's just too much going. We have the American XI Corps advancing on the Polish Plain, the Canadians and Brits on their flank, Germans going all whacky on us. It feels like the Attack of the Revenge of the Sith.

Whatever one wants to liken it too, right now The Final Storm sucks.

Don't worry, I am very good and what I do, and soon The Final Storm will not suck.

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