Sunday, October 9, 2016

Pre-Debate Thoughts on Mr. Trump's Locker Room and the Culture War

The right, by which I mean the Alt-Right is winning the culture war.


Twitter's stock is tanking.
The NFL's ratings are tanking (this is incredible).
Target is shelling out $20 million for new bathrooms.

To that end, let's look at this latest Trump imbroglio.

Listen, ladies. We all talk like that, you get that right? Your beloved husband has, over drinks with his buddies, said all kinds of lewd, risque things. Only beta-male nancies say they haven't and they're lying.

Now, back in the 90's the right (myself included)  used to stammer and stutter in these arguments about Bill, and those same culprits are not jumping ship on Mr. Trump. Condi Rice has condemned him, oh my! Great work on Russia there, Condi. Jeb! Bush is appalled. The same people who lost in '96, '08, and '12 are losing now.

It took the Alt-Right, Milo and Vox and Breitbart and Vdare and Kathy Shaidle to say the obvious. That is:

Juanita Broderick
Kathleen Wiley
Paula Johns
Monica Lewinsky

Etc. etc.

I won't watch the debate. I need a drink or five before these things and my gout just won't allow it.

I hear Mr. Trump is going on the offensive. well good.

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