Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Tuesday Tally

Why There Will be no World War Prequel

Because this has once against reared its ugly head in the comments section, I'm looking at YOU Marky Mark, let's go through all the reasons why its impracticable to do a book about the first two weeks of the war.

1-I am up to my neck in World War 1990. One novel in production (Castro's Folly), one being finished up (The Final Storm), one about to begin (Pacific Storm).

2-It's been done. See Red Storm Rising, The Third World War, Red Army....heck the novels of Ian Slater (at your own risk).

3-We already know who won.

4-There's not much opportunity to do anything unique, like an invasion of the Soviet Far East, or operations in Central America.

5-The climax would have to be the Battle of the Weser.

6-I'm a little sick of looking for ways to describe exploding tanks.

7-I'd like to move on with my.

Bonus: Nothing unique? You haven't said word one about Afghanistan. What about a snowy Finland op? Hmmmmmm.....